
I moved my personal calendar from Nextcloud to Radicale.

After setting up the Radicale server as described in the docs, I needed to import my calendar to Radicale.

I did this by importing the local calendar data using vdirsyncer to the remote Radicale server.

Here are the steps:
  1. Edit vdirsyncer's config (mine is at ~/.config/vdirsyncer/config) to enter the new URL pointing to the Radicale server.
  2. Rename or remove vdirsyncer's status directory. Its location is defined in vdirsyncer's config at status_path. Mine's at ~/.local/share/calendars/.status/.
  3. Run vdirsyncer discover
  4. Vdirsyncer will now offer to create a collection with the name of your local calendar on the remote server. Confirm by pressing y.
  5. Finally, run vdirsyncer sync which will upload all the ICS files (representing individual calendar events) of your local calendar to the Radicale server. The local calendar data is at the location specified in vdirsyncer's config at the path entry. Mine's at ~/.local/share/calendars/.
The Radicale version used is 3.0.6, vdirsyncer's version is 0.18.0.